Dorset Online Referrals

To complete an online referral, please see tabs below:

General Referral

This form is for referrals for General Advocacy

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IMCA Referral

SWAN IMCA service represents and supports individuals across Dorset, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole who meet all the following criteria:

The person referred has no appropriate family or friends to represent them and the referrer believes that they lack the capacity, decision specific, concerning:

a. Serious medical treatment OR
b. Long term accommodation moves (more than 28 days in hospital/8 weeks in a care home) OR
c. Care reviews OR
d. Safeguarding measures within an adult protection case even where there are family or friends to consult with.

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IMCA 1:2 Rule Referral

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ICAA Referral


The client must be a resident in Dorset, Bournemouth, Christchurch or Poole at the time of the referral. We can only accept a referral if the person needing an advocate has given their consent. If the referrer believes they do not have the capacity to consent, they must give brief details on the ‘additional information’ section of the referral form.
The client must:

• have been assessed as having substantial difficulty in being involved in the process and
• not have anyone other than paid staff willing or appropriate to support them

A referral may also be made where there is disagreement between the local authority and the appropriate person whose role it would be to facilitate the individual’s involvement, and there is agreement that the involvement of an independent advocate would be beneficial to the individual.

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IMHA Referral

NB: SWAN can only accept a referral if the person needing an advocate has given their consent. If you believe they do not have the capacity to consent, please give brief details on the ‘additional information’ section of this form.

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Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Referral

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Carers Advocacy Referral

This form is for referrals for those eligible for Carers Advocacy
Carers Advocacy is for carers of individuals with health and social care needs living within the pan-Dorset area who are eligible for Care Act Advocacy Support.
Advocates can support and represent carers in:

• An assessment of care and support

• Care and support planning

• Review of care and support

• General, issue-based advocacy

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Section 16 Litigation Friend


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Parents Advocacy Service

This referral form is for Parents with Learning Disabilities:

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