SWAN launched our Pan Dorset Advocacy Service on 1 June 2023.
This integrated adult advocacy service is provided across Dorset including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, and includes statutory and generic advocacy elements:
Please note that Independent Health Complaints Advocacy in Dorset and Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole is provided by The Advocacy People.
Click here for information about our Pan Dorset Service in Easy Read
Information for referring professionals
We provide generic advocacy which is not required under the Care Act for adults living in Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, who are aged 18 and over.
To see if you are eligible or for more information on the eligibility criteria, please contact us.
To complete an online referral for our Generic service, click here.
Alternatively, to download our Generic referral form, click here.
SWAN’s IMCA provision in Dorset includes Safeguarding Advocacy, Litigation Friend and Relevant Persons Representative (RPR).
Independent Mental Capacity Act Advocates are there to make sure vulnerable adults, who lack the ability to make important decisions and do not have family or friends to help them, have someone who can make sure their wishes and feelings are taken into account when people are making decisions on their behalf.
To find out more about Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy click here.
To complete an online referral for either our IMCA or IMCA Rule 1:2, click here.
Alternatively, to download our IMCA referral form click here, and to download our IMCA Rule 1:2 referral form, click here, and to download our S16 Litigation Friend referral form, click here.
Our Dorset Independent Mental Health Act Advocates are specialists who are trained and qualified to work within the Mental Health Act 1983. They are completely independent of any person or other service involved with the treatment or care of the person they are supporting.
To find out more about Independent Mental Health Advocacy click here.
To complete an online referral for our IMHA service, click here.
Alternatively, to download our IMHA referral form, click here.
We provide statutory advocacy under The Care Act 2014 which supports people who:
• Experience substantial difficulty in being fully involved in assessment, care and support planning, review and safeguarding process.
• Have no one else appropriate to support and represent their wishes.
To find out more about Care Act advocacy click here.
To complete an online referral for our ICAA service, click here.
Alternatively, to download our Care Act referral form, click here.
Our CHC Advocates will provide individuals who are, or who may be, eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare with the information they need to help them to understand the key principles of the National Framework, the eligibility criteria for NHS Continuing Healthcare and equip them to contribute fully to their assessment.
The main aims of this element of our service are;
• To raise awareness for individuals who may be entitled to an assessment to understand how to request a referral and what to expect at each stage of the process
• To help individuals understand how their needs have been assessed against the criteria so that they are able to make informed choices about whether and how to request a review of their eligibility decision.
• To assist individuals to engage effectively with local resolution procedures and if necessary, come to Review Panels prepared with the most relevant information
• To provide the individuals with a free and trusted source of specialist information
• To support individuals to engage fully with the care planning process once eligible in a way that maximizes control and ensures their preferences are reflected in the way their assessed needs are met
This service is for individuals over the age of 18 or their representatives (such as family members) who have questions about the long-term care funding system, are preparing for a Continuing Healthcare assessment or wish to challenge a continuing healthcare decision.
Contact us for more information on CHC advocacy.
To complete an online referral for our CHC service, click here.
Alternatively, to download our CHC referral form, click here.
Our team will support parents with additional needs such as a learning disability by providing advocacy during the child protection process.
Our advocates will work with people who do not meet the statutory advocacy eligibility criteria but who would have substantial difficulty to be involved with processes or statutory professionals when important decisions about their life are being made.
Contact us for more information on the eligibility criteria.
To make a referral for our Advocacy for Parents During Care Proceedings service, please use our Parents referral form, online version here or download the Word version here.
Our dedicated Carers Advocate provides specialist advocacy to Carers across Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, and works in close partnership with local Carers organisations and groups.
The purpose of SWAN’s Pan Dorset Carers Advocacy Service is to provide independent support to enable carers to have equal access to advocacy which enables them to obtain the care and support they need to continue in their caring role.
Our Carers Advocate works to ensure the rights of the cared for, and support the carer to have their needs met and their rights respected.
This service is available for all Carers aged 16 and over who may or may not be known to Adult Social Care but are residents of the Pan-Dorset area.
Contact us if you are a Dorset carer with advocacy needs.
To complete an online referral for our Carers Advocacy service, click here.
Alternatively, to download our Carers Advocacy referral form, click here.
Check out our Carers advocate Julie’s story below:
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